Clerk / Treasurer

The Clerk/Treasurer serves as the secretary and record keeper for the Town Council and is the fiscal officer for the town.

The Clerk/Treasurer's term of office is for four years with no restrictions on the number of terms which can be served.


The Clerk/Treasurer has the responsibility to:
  • keep records of council proceedings including the recording of all notes, and preserve all papers relating to its business
  • present ordinances, orders, or resolutions to the town council for approval; prepare and keep an ordinance book
  • have charge of all documents and books entrusted to him or her by statute or ordinance
  • administer oaths, take depositions and serve as a notary when necessary, without charging a fee
  • keep the city seal
  • receive and care for all town money and disburse monies on the order of the town council
  • keep financial accounts 
  • prescribe payroll
  • prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid
  • manage the finances and accounts of the town and make investments of town money
  • prepare the budget estimates of misc. revenue, financial statements, and the proposed tax rate for the town council
  • issue all licenses and collect fees fixed by the ordinance


Contact Info

Saffron Ragan
Clerk Treasurer
330 Harrison St. PO Box 57 Troy, IN 47588